Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Simple : : Food Rule

Michael Pollan  : :  "Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much."

Me : : "Eat Plants.  As much as I like.  Easy on the gluten"

Michael Pollan's wonderful book,  "Food Rules"  has just been released in a new edition illustrated by Maria Kalman.    If you haven't had the opportunity to read this book yet, it's a fun little quick read, even more fun now with the addition of illustrations.  While it's not vegan specifically, it's none the less sensible. A great starting point for those just getting their feet wet in the whole foods movement, and a great reminder for those of us who've been at this for a while.

From his website : : 

"....Expanded with a new introduction and nineteen additional food rules, this hardcover volume marks an advance in the national dialogue that Food Rules inspired.

The impetus for this new edition came from readers. Many chimed in with personal policies they had found useful in navigating the supermarket, or rules they recalled hearing from their mothers and grandmothers. Several of the new rules – Place a bouquet of flowers on the table and everything will taste twice as good; If you’re not hungry enough to eat an apple, you’re probably not hungry; When you eat real food, you don’t need rules – underscore the central teaching of the original Food Rules, which is that eating doesn’t have to be so complicated, and food is as much about pleasure and communion as it is about nutrition and health. Maira Kalman illustrates that simple truth with her paintings, bringing color, life and wit to Pollan’s philosophy."

Seeing the book pop up again got me thinking about Pollan's simple, sensible statement, "Eat food. Mostly plants.  Not too much." from a January 2007 NY Times Article.   I have tweaked his brilliantly pared down directive a bit over the years to suite my circumstances, but I always refer back to it's profound simplicity when pondering my food journey.

'Till soon,

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